10 Best Yoga Poses to Grow Taller 12 to 18 year aged

 Yoga can help improve posture, flexibility, and spinal alignment, which may create the appearance of increased height. While genetics primarily determine height, certain yoga poses can stretch and strengthen the spine, improve body posture, and promote growth during adolescence.  

### **10 Best Yoga Poses to Grow Taller**  

1. **Tadasana (Mountain Pose)**  

   - Stretches the spine and improves posture.  

   - How to do: Stand straight, stretch your arms upwards, and lift your heels while balancing on your toes.  

2. **Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)**  

   - Enhances balance and spine elongation.  

   - How to do: Stand on one leg, place the other foot on the inner thigh, and raise your hands above your head.  

3. **Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)**  

   - Strengthens the spine and improves flexibility.  

   - How to do: Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, and lift your chest.  

4. **Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)**  

   - Stretches the spine and hamstrings.  

   - How to do: Sit with your legs straight, bend forward, and try to touch your toes.  

5. **Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)**  

   - Improves posture and stretches the spine.  

   - How to do: Stand with legs apart, bend sideways, and touch your foot with one hand while extending the other upward.  

6. **Marjariasana (Cat-Cow Pose)**  

   - Increases spinal flexibility and elongation.  

   - How to do: Get on all fours, arch your back upwards (Cat), then dip it down while lifting your head (Cow).  

7. **Ustrasana (Camel Pose)**  

   - Stretches the back and opens the chest.  

   - How to do: Kneel, place your hands on your heels, and arch your back.  

8. **Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)**  

   - Stretches the entire body and improves posture.  

   - How to do: Form an inverted "V" shape with hands and feet on the ground.  

9. **Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)**  

   - Strengthens the spine and promotes flexibility.  

   - How to do: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and lift your hips while keeping your feet and shoulders on the floor.  

10. **Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)**  

   - A full-body stretch that enhances flexibility and circulation.  

   - How to do: Perform a sequence of 12 poses, including forward bends, backbends, and lunges.  

### **Tips to Maximize Height Growth with Yoga:**  

- Practice daily for at least **15–30 minutes**.  

- Maintain a **healthy diet** rich in calcium, protein, and vitamins.  

- Get **adequate sleep** to support growth hormones.  

- Stay **hydrated** to keep muscles and joints flexible.  

While yoga won’t drastically increase height after puberty, it can **improve posture, flexibility, and spinal alignment**, making you look taller and more confident!
