Red alert has been declared in Tamil Nadu for April 30 and May 1 as a major cyclone, Fani, is likely to hit north coast of the state over the two days.
Fishermen have been advised not to venture out into the sea during the coming week.
Fishermen have been advised not to venture out into the sea during the coming week.The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday said that after gaining more strength, the cyclonic circulation has finally induced a low-pressure area.
The system is formed over Equatorial Indian Ocean and adjoining the southeast Bay of Bengal.
The organisation also predicted that it will continue to move west-northwest and gaining latitude.
A trough of low at mean sea level lies over the Equatorial Indian Ocean and adjoining the southeast Bay of Bengal with a cyclonic circulation aloft extending up to 3.1 km above mean sea level," IMD stated in its advisory.
"It is very likely to intensify into a depression during nexr 24 hours over East Equatorial Indian Ocean and adjoining central parts of south Bay of Bengal and into a Cyclonic Storm during subsequent 24 hours over southwest Bay of Bengal and adjoining Equatorial Indian Ocean. It is very likely to move northwestwards along and off east coast of Sri Lanka near north Tamil Nadu coast on April 30, 2019," IMD said.
Heavy to very heavy rainfall is likely to occur at isolated places over coastal Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. Thunderstorm activity will also intensify with gusty winds (50-60 kmph) and lightning.
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