Imran Khan disappointed at India's arrogant response, taunts 'small men occupying big offices'

Imran Khan disappointed at India's arrogant response, taunts 'small men occupying big offices'

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday called India 'arrogant' on in its decision of cancelling the peace dialogue between the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan. In a strong jibe at the Centre, the PM said that he has always seen small men occupying big offices who do not have the vision to see the larger picture. Khan expressed his disappointment over India's arrogant decision and negative response to call off the peace dialogue. 

Khan took to Twitter and said, "Disappointed at the arrogant & negative response by India to my call for resumption of the peace dialogue. However, all my life I have come across small men occupying big offices who do not have the vision to see the larger picture."
