
Showing posts from November, 2017

Winter can be a brutal time of the year for your lips. During the cold winter season, there are various skin problems

Winter can be a brutal time of the year for your lips. During the cold winter season, there are various skin problems,, see more details

Award-winning photo of elephants running for their lives captures the death of humanity

A photograph of two elephants trying to escape the flaming tar bombs and crackers thrown at them has won the Sanctuary Wildlife Photography Award . The photograph by Biplab Hazra is a proof of the unending elephant-human conflict

52 lack signatures collecting from SHG members

SERP ( Society Elimination For Rural Poverty).  Its is established in 2002 for poor people  poverty  reduction with 4264  employees,with five levels in district cadre.  They will be working for poor shg menbers to develop . They start strike for Regularization on 30th Oct 2017. But Telangana Government did not disscuss any matter to their authorities It is very critical for poor SHg members. then they loss VLR in feauture in Streenidhi, and Bank linkages, and Micro ,  Tiny Loans. Its right time to disscuss with SERP Employees  to TRS Government. SERP Employees Demands. 1. Regularization. 2. Cadre fixation 3. Equal wages  to  Equal work 4. Desolve  5years Renual System . 5. Immediatly VLR  6. Immediatly release VOA s salaries. 7.Must be continue Abhayahastam and Insurence Sceames DRDA Nalgonda PD R. Anjayya 31 district  31 lacks Post cards send to CM of Telangana State Karthika Pournami at Strike place  M